Medical Assistant Assignment

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Hello ,Prof: Ellen and classmstes- I'm going to talk to you about my assignment form unit-3 . Hello ,Prof: Ellen and classmstes- I'm going to talk to you about my assignment form unit-3. 3 Great Reasons Why You Becaome A Medical Assistant I have always wanted a carer in health-care, I have come to a point in life, where it is time to accomplish this goal.Mediacl asstisting is a tough job to have and not to be taken lightly. It is not a career for eveyone, it requires flexibility , disire to help others and a love of learning. I have always been interested in the care of individiuals and their comfort and needs. I only…show more content…
It is not a career for eveyone, it requires flexibility , disire to help others and a love of learning. I have always been interested in the care of individiuals and their comfort and needs. I only need three great reasons why I should be a medical assistant. The health care indusrty is growing at an excellerated rate. Baby boomers are getting older and more and more people need medical help. Medical assisting is a career with so much potential . This is exciting to me, because medical assisting will always be a growing career and have jobs. According to the U.S Department of Labor, more than 3.6 million jobs created between 2004 and 2014. Will be in health care,garenteeing medical assistants a job. Medical assisting is projected to be one of the fastest growing occupations. This makes me so happy to know that I have chosen the right path and chose health care as my career. You can get trained in Less than a year, similar to the progam Im going through at Kaplan ,pretty exciting for me to be returning to school and moving through the medical program so fast. Medical assisting is a job you'll be proud of. Im deffinatley proud that I have started the steps to my medical assisting goal, and Im sure ill hold my head up high when Im finely in the field and using the skills I learned form Kaplan in my career

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