Medical Ethics In Medical Consent

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Doctors recite the Common Rule every time they graduate medical school. The Common Rule is defined as an advisory for patient consent. Despite the Common Rule, doctors have been ignoring the needs of patients for years. This should be gone by now. These aforementioned doctors are inconsiderate. The medical consent process, advised by the Common Rule, that these doctors use needs to be delineated upon. The attitudes of the patient need to be scrutinized in this aforementioned medical consent process. Every detail needs to be delineated to patients in medical consent. Safety is an important factor for patient consent. Surgeons considered safety as a big reason why patient consent is involved (Alsaihati et al. 4). This article is relevant because…show more content…
His exact position at the corporation is unknown. Patients need to have complete access on what is to be done by those in the medical field. The standards of patient consent, administered by those in the medical field, include being complete and valid (Kadam 2). Completion is needed in order for patients to know every necessary detail. These details are ones that are important for safety and therefore should be discussed to the patients. Details are used in discussion within consent forms. Kadam is a Quality Assurance Manager at the Chest Research Foundation in Pune, Maharashtra, India. This means that he has experience in medical knowledge and the research of medical knowledge. Patients need to know if the research done by those in the medical field is essential. Knowing if research is essential is important for patients with medical problems (Compagnone et al. 2). This source is relevant because patients need to know the essential details for help under medical law. These details are essential for the medical field and for the purpose of safety, and should be provided within medical consent forms. Compagnone is a…show more content…
The laws of the patients should be considered. Patients have the protection of the laws of safety and autonomy (Ayyad 3). These laws of safety and autonomy differ from country to country. The laws of the aforementioned countries that patients reside in should be honored when doing individual research. The laws and ideals that the patients possess need to be delineated, and these aforementioned beliefs should be remembered. Memory of these beliefs is paramount for the development of successful medical research. Ayyad is the head of the Legal Affairs Department at the Directorate General of Khoula hospital, an external examiner at the Institute of Health Science College, and a visiting lecturer at the Specialized Nursing College. Ayyad is therefore credible because he has experience in both medical education and medical law, making him knowledgeable in both topics. Religious beliefs should be considered within the medical process. Patients may have beliefs on different issues that they do not want for their cells to be used on (Skloot 318). Acknowledging beliefs is important for individual cultures. Cultures should be respected to avoid the noisome dangers of cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is noisome because it undermines the values of America itself, and therefore should be evaded at all costs. All evasion is salutary against the evils of cultural appropriation.

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