Animal Testing Arguments

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ABSTRACT Some animals are being used for animal experimentations, which are clinical, epidemiological, and pathological. These investigations remain as the foundation of research on human disease. There are two main agreements about animal testing. Some people are against animal experimentations. According to their view, animal testing is not ethical and animals are not treated in accordance with animal rights. Against this view, some people support animal testing because animal testing is necessary process for finding cure of disease. There are some alternatives to using animals in medical experiments. These alternatives are, “Computer modelling, Micro-dosing, In vitro testing and MRI scanning”. However, they are not enough to exist animal…show more content…
Supporters of animal testing thought animal testing has contributed to many life-saving cures and treatments. The California Biomedical Research Association claimed that in the last 100 years, under favour of animal research a lot of medical breakthrough happened . Experimental dogs through to the discovery of insulin, which save the lives of lots of. Whereas, animal right activists think that animal testing is cruel and inhumane. Millions of animals are dying because of experiments. When they alive, they are getting pain. When animals are using in experiments, they are forcing them and depriving them from food and water. According to the US Department of Agriculture report that in 2010, before start the experiment scientist did not give anaesthesia to animals because of that they feel pain exactly. When there is no choice to finding a cure except animal testing, animals can be use. According to the supporters, there is any alternative instead of animal testing for living and whole body tests. Studying cell cultures can useful of some researches, however sometimes study with real nervous system or immune system are necessary (CBRA, 2013). Computer modelling can be useful, but there have to be an information which can gain with animal experimentations. According to supporters, generally the alternatives could not be work like animal research because body and some organs so…show more content…
First view is defend that when ethical rules do not permit to use of human volunteers, animals must be used. The World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki reported that human volunteer testing preceded by animal testing. One of the example of contribution of animal testing that S.E. Massen-gill Company of Bristol did not use animal testing and that caused 105 patients died. If they were texting the drug before distribution those deaths would be prevented. In addition, animal testing is not just benefit for humans that also benefit for animals. At least 80 medicine, which developed for humans, used for animals' disease. Tetanus vaccine one of the example for that. Second view is defend that drugs, which controlled with animal tests, are not always safe. For example, sleeping pill thalidomide caused thousands of babies born with congenital deformities but that did not happen to rat babies. On the other hand, there can be a reverse situation. Because of animal tests, potential treatments, which might be useful for humans, could be ignoring. Scientists have controversial view, ones die is not important for them. According to them, general safety is more important. However, if the ones could not protect, how can be the many
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