Gender In Advertising Research

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Before we can focus on different types of advertisements (Print or Television), it is important to know about some of the fundamental techniques that is used by different advertising agencies when they design their advertisements. The most common & basic techniques that are used in advertisements include: association, beautiful people, intensity, flattery, humor, and extrapolation. Association technique is used by all the advertisements irrespective for the product or service, it is being prepared. Advertisers use association technique to link the product to something that the intended audience will enjoy and desire for. By this the marketers are able to create a positive imprint about the product in the potential buyers’ minds. This also…show more content…
Our aim here is to understand and discuss how gender is portrayed in advertisements. Culture of a society determines the way the genders are perceived in a society and this in turn also gets reflected in the advertisements. Men and women are different in attitudes, behavior, and social statuses. As popular English line says Men are dogs and women are cats. It’s also referred that Women are from Venus and men are from Mars. Ad film writers, ad film makers all have used the idea that men and women are different & they are perceived differently in our society, to develop advertisements. Men & women are not viewed differently in the advertisements but they also bring different elements into the advertisements. Different genders create different meanings from the advertisements we…show more content…
She is responsible for her child’s growth. The advertisement for COMPLAN has a line, which says “MUMMY KO BOLO COMPLAN PILAYE”. Here it portrays that the woman is the care-taker for her family. In Bournvitta advertisement, it’s showing that the mother is pushing her child to achieve greater goals. In the process, if he is defeating her mother, than she would be the happiest. Here, the ad portrays that woman, by nature, are not competitive. They are portrayed as someone who likes to give away something for her family. Moreover, she is there to love her family and see the well-being of her child. Another health-drink Boost’s advertisement features sports person like Sachin Tendulkar and MS Dhoni. Here the tag line for the product is, “boost is the secret of our energy”. In the ad, it shows that both the senior man and teen ager are getting their energy from boost. In this ad again the man is shown as a powerful person with lot of intent to do well. He is also portrayed as someone who is a hard worker and takes a lot of pain to fulfil his goals. He is also seen as a energetic

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