Nathan Hare Research Paper

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Nathan Hare is an African American professor and psychologist born in Slick, Oklahoma on April 9, 1933. He was born to a single mother and attended a segregated elementary and high school. His family moved to San Diego, California where his mother was a janitor for the Navy Air Station. They returned to Oklahoma after she became unemployed. At L'Ouverture High School Nathan represented his class at an annual statewide interscholastic meet for black students at Langston University. Each year that he entered he won first prize for his school. Hare had plans on becoming a professional boxer but his teacher persuaded him to attend college instead. She promised to help get him a fulltime job working in the dining hall at Langston University if he…show more content…
Hare was later known as the “father of Black Studies” for his thoughts and ideas. The term “ethnic studies” was coined by Nathan Hare to replace the more derogatory term “minority studies.” In 1969, he left San Francisco State College because of constant disputes with administration. That same year Dr. Hare and two other men founded The Black Scholar. Hare had previous experience in editing and publishing articles in many famous magazines and journals such as Ebony, Negro Digest, Newsweek, and The Times. It was the first journal of black studies and research in the United States. The journal connected the work and life of Black academics with cultural producers. In a disagreement on the direction of The Black Scholar, Nathan resigned as publisher of the journal. Dr. Hare earned his second Ph.D. in clinical psychology at California School of Professional Psychology at San Francisco. After being licensed as a professional boxing trainer in California, Nathan Hare and his wife Julia Hare who was highly touted as the “Lady Malcolm X” co-founded the Black Think Tank in 1979 where they published a journal called Black Male-Female Relationships. The organization tackled the issues that affected the African American community. The Black Think Tank established a black male and female movement in the 1970s and 1980s that was a catalyst intended to help blacks love one another. The movement argues that as a people blacks must educate themselves to a higher power to think and grow free. Since then it has taken on broader issues such as the miseducation of the black child, fixing public schools, and leading a rites of passage movement for black boys. Nathan’s fight for social justice was influenced by his love of boxing. His boxing has served as an apprenticeship for violence. He stated that “In boxing it's when you move back that you can get hurt. Pressing your opponent, you smother his

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