Waste Water Lab Report

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SAMPLE COLLECTION 1L of the waste water sample was collected from the waste water treatment plant located Apphughar, Visakhapatnam. This wastewater treatment plant is a 25MLD which receives raw sewage wastewaters from domestic uses from surrounding the city. The physico chemical parameter analysis reports were given in the Table 4.7.1. Table 4.7.1 Physical and chemical for the raw sewage at 25MLDss S.No. Parameter STP inlet (mg/L) 1 pH 7.22 2 Total dissolved solids(TDS) 1330 3 Total suspended solids (TSS) 226 4 Total alkalinity as CaCO3 639 5 Chlorides 352 6 Sulphates 58.3 7 COD 441 8 BOD3 145 9 Oil and grease 4.0 10 Phosphates 13.6 11 Total nitrogen 39.5 12 Ammonical nitrogen 25.7 13 Nitrates 18.6 4.8 ENRICHMENT The purpose of the enrichment stage in this experiment is to flourish the specific organism for inorganic ammonia utilization in the medium. The sample was continuously enriched by supplying…show more content…
This enrichment period was continued for 3days of duration. The results obtained were that with increasing concentration in the medium the organism showed more amounts of nitrite production and the optical density also increased from 0.14 to 0.16 at 620nm. This might be due to assimilation of the inorganic ammonia into the cell biomass. Many of the heterotrophic bacteria were able to assimilate nitrogen into their cell which increases their cell densities. The same was prepared by Yang.X.P et al., 2011 for Bacillus subtilis strain A1 isolation method. According to their report during enrichment period the concentration of the medium was maintained without any increase in ammonia concentration and the concentration was only 0.5g.L in their experiments which is far low compared to our concentrations in the medium. In our studies we have increase the concentration phase by phase to know the adaption pattern of the isolate to high concentrations and we have succeeded in this

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