Digestion Lab Report

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Diksha Madaan November 18, 2014 Lab Report- Digestion A & P 2 Introduction: Objective: Enzymes of activity in Gastrointestinal Tract Background Information: Digestion is a process of breaking down food via mechanical and chemical action into small molecules such as proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and fats. The GI tract is also known as the digestive tract. There are many organs associated with the GI tract but the solid organs are the liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. The hollow organs that are associated with the GI tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine and the anus. Digestion process starts from the mouth, then secretion of fluids and digestive enzymes, mixing and movement of food and wastes…show more content…
The results were mostly positive for the positive and negative results. The experiments were performed in order to find out the amount of digestion each substance does such as fats, proteins and starch. The experiments were done to show students how the substances are separated within the tubes and how each and everything added to them affect the whole activity. Even a small mistake can mess up the whole experiment as one group experienced that for trypsin. Instead of adding three small drops, three large drops was added, which differed the experiment from taking its role into doing what it was originally supposed to. Regarding the first experiment, salivary amylase hydrolyzes maltose (sugar disaccharide) is digested into the small intestine to glucose in order for it to be absorbed. In the experiment, the substances that were tested on were to find the appearance of maltose in the tubes and the disappearance of starch and to see the amount of enzymatic activity after waiting for half an hour. To test the reducing sugar, which is the maltose, the Benedict’s test was used and for the presence and absence of starch, the Logul’s Iodine test (IKI) was done. In the second experiment, the digestion and hydrolysis of enzymes is most likely the same thing. As written above, if the solution was resulted in the color yellow, which had meant that trypsin had hydrolyzed peptide bonds into proteins to make short chained peptides compared to longer chained peptides. Also if the results were colorless, than it was negative, that meant the hydrolysis didn’t occur in breaking down proteins. Lastly, the third experiment was the most important element worked on since it is an emulsifier not an enzyme. It breaks down larger liquids droplets to smaller droplets. As done in the experiment, a pH change was required and the litmus powder indicator had the results if the color was changed into pink or not. The nine tubes

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