Failure Mode And Effects Analysis (FMEA) Approach

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Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) approach is used by most of the methods of risk assessment. There are majorly two types of FMEA: process FMEA and design FMEA. Design FMEA involves activities in designing, such as service, machine or product design. Process FMEA deals with assessing the weaknesses in manufacturing process and the effects of failure in process on the manufactured products. The most important goal of FMEA is to allot the limited number of resources to the most critical and serious risk items. Generally, process FMEA evaluates the risk priority number (RPN) to assess and rank the potential failure modes. A failure mode which possess a higher risk priority number is considered to be more critical and is assigned a higher…show more content…
Therefore the criticality of these failure modes will be defines from their range. “The higher the RPN mean is more severe. When the RPN means are same, the smaller the RPN range is more severe”. Which is employed by [6]. Therefore the criticality order among the common mean RPN in descending order will be 3.3, 4.1, 3.2 and 3.1 respectively. If we look at the failure modes, 3.1 represents wear in the gear box, 3.2 represents surface fatigue failure in the gear box, 3.3 represents breakage in the gear box, 4.1 represents wear in bearings. Mean RPN of all these failure modes are same but difference in their range value makes them appear in a particular critical order which is justified when seriousness of failure modes is observed. Among these four failure modes, 3.3 is the most critical failure mode having the least range value, as it also represents the breakage in the gear box which is a serious issue. While the other failure modes which are comparatively less serious are ordered in the way which automatically came out from the criticality order. After that, we have categorized each failure mode at three level as high, medium and low critical according to their critical ranking. Failure mode having ranking upto 6 considered as high critical, 7 to 10 considered as medium critical and rest are considered as low critical. 3.5 RCM logic decision and selection of maintenance…show more content…
The result presents that 43% of the component are highly critical, 29% of the components are low critical and 28% of the components are medium critical. The RCM logic is used to suggest the strategy for maintenance which in general shows that the corrective maintenance strategy is used for low critical components and periodical predictive maintenance strategy for the high critical components, is mostly used. This study concludes that the implementation of recommended maintenance strategy as compared to traditional methods helps in increasing the availability of machine as well as in reducing the maintenance costs and also improves the reliability of the

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