Twentieth-Century American Imperialism

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FINAL THIRD…TRANSTION FROM SECOND THIRD… THE SOVIET-AFGHAN WAR During the twentieth-century the world would experience many changes. On one hand, many countries would get pulled into the old colonial empires wars and would have to endure and suffer through them. Most notably, two world wars. Though the majority of countries, if given a choice, would of chosen to stay out of these wars. Many, against their choosing, would be thrust into the middle of these major conflicts. On the other hand, innovations in technology, such as flight, the telegraph, and the automobile would help shape how these countries would evolve and adapt to the new century. Also of note, the twentieth-century would start to see the decline of imperialism. With the advent of technology, two major wars, and fall of colonialism, the dynamics in the world and geo-politics were changing the worlds. Some countries would benefit from these changes, while others would suffer. The twentieth-century would be an interesting time for the country of Afghanistan. As the British empire slowly shrank in size, they would eventually leave Afghanistan. In the early part of the twentieth-century, Afghanistan would attempt…show more content…
One was the miscalculation of the populations will to fight. There was the large numbers of Mujahedeen from surrounding Arab and Muslim nations flocking into Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan to wage a jihad (holy war), against the great Soviet Army. “Also, there was the huge sums of money and arms being funneled into the region, most notably by the U.S., one of the most famous arms was the Stinger missile, which the Afghan rebels were able to successfully use against the Russian Hind and help tip the power of balance back into the rebels favor.” Despite the might of the Soviet Army, they experienced serious issues in dealing with the Islamic

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