Things Fall Apart Feminist Analysis

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Feminism grew out of women’s movement against the long history of bias against and inhuman treatment of women by patriarchal men. Feminists, especially in the West started expressing concern on the issue of sex, gender, and even language, which was the product of patriarchy. Postcolonial feminism refutes prejudiced power relationships. It started a fight for the equal justice and equal opportunity for women. We are familiar with the history that women were paid less than a man for the same work. Women are treated just as housewives that serve the house like a slave, kind of free slave for the family who has to listen to the male of the family. Feminists were or are? Determined and they attempt to get the nature of gender inequality, gender…show more content…
In Things Fall Apart, the condition of women was unimaginable they were colonized by their society, family and culture, it seems like they have no motif in life rather than serving family and they have no idea of their right as they were not educated and were not allowed to socialize and go anywhere without their husband permission. While Americanah describes African women’s situation differently; but some of the same issues persist in this novel too, women had little freedom from the society, family, and culture but there was shift in paradigm, when they move out of their house for their dream they have to fight for their identity especially when they move to any Western country they really find new introduction for themselves. It offers an outside perspective on what it means to be black in America and therefore contributes to understanding the notion of race and gender in African American literature. It also deals with how the post-colonial subject moves away from the decolonized setting to form a national identity. It also shows how the post-colonial narrative expands into the diasporic narrative where stories of migration and return give the new perspective to post-colonial…show more content…
Thus the post- apartheid society has to give priority to the employment of young men are supported by the women in South Africa who believe that the young men need the jobs more than they do as women. Therefore, as the post-apartheid state is under pressure to develop local black skills, it will be easier for them to concentrate more on the male component. This concentration will be done obviously at the expense of women; however, it will also be done with the cooperation of these women (Meer, 30). President Nelson Mandela said, Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression, unless we see in visible and practical terms that the Condition of the women of our country has radically changed for the better, and that they have been empowered to intervene in all aspects of life as equals with any other member of

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