Apocalypse Now Comparison

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Heart of Darkness authored by Joseph Conrad, and Apocalypse Now directed by Francis Ford Coppola manipulate their tools of craft, writing and film respectively, to create a similar statement. Though the stories take place in two different epochs, Heart of Darkness in the late nineteenth century and Apocalypse Now in the late twentieth century, they explore the parallels between the imperialist european powers, and the militaristic foreign involved United States of America. Both pieces of work illuminate the fact that humanity’s natural behavior is kept in check by the expectations and morality of other denizens in society. As an individual becomes distant from societal influences, they begin to revert back to their savage, animalistic origins.…show more content…
Through the binoculars, Willard spies his air escorts engulfed in smoke, and depicted on a hazy background. Similar to Conrad, Coppola adopts the impressionistic style in his tool of craft. Both Conrad and Coppola often depict hazy scenes to convey the protagonist mindset. As stated earlier, the fog in Heart of Darkness parallels to Marlow’s clouded mindset and uncertainty. In Apocalypse now, Coppola utilizes cutaway film techniques filled with smoke and haziness to suggest the confusion and alienation Willard feels in the middle of all this madness. Additionally, Coppola utilizes and eye-level shot, of Captain Willard in center frame, with blurred images in the background clouded by smoke to create a normal perspective for the audience, in attempt to establish a personal connection between Willard and the audience, and bring them into the nightmare turned reality he is trapped in. As the scene moves forward, majority of it is shot in a 180 degree rule to allow the audience to feel as if they are apart of the chaos that is the outer station. The 180 degree rule increases the intimacy of the warzone with the audience. As Willard walks around, there are times when a point of view shot is utilized, and the audience is able to see the turmoil through Willard’s eyes. Similar to Heart of Darkness, meaningless actions are taking place. There are a multitude of units, all of which serve no purpose other than to create additional tumult.A tank is destroying a house, a man is filming all that is happening, staging the soldiers to avoid eye contact with the camera, and keep pushing forward, random holes in the ground being blown up. In addition to the disarray occurring, there is a distinct contrast between light and darkness throughout this scene. Fire and smoke dance hand in hand through the destroyed structures and charred land, and add to the haziness of Willard’s mind. The darkness
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