Similarities Between Unitary And Federal System Of Government

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The modern day constitutional order is characterised by two major systems, the unitary and federal systems. The unitary system of government differs from the federal system in that all political power is embedded, entrenched and implanted in the national government, thus being a good recipe for dictatorship and authoritarianism. Whereas under the federal system political power is shared between the national government and provincial governments. This paper will magnify South African, Ugandan and Zimbabwean systems of government and go at length to discuss the major systems in light of the said countries so as to differentiate and point out similarities if ever they exist. Unitary System of Government The Unitary System of Government is a system whereby all political power is invested, entrusted, lodged and capitalised in the central government. Provincial governments may exist, but only as administrative and clerical wings of the central government. As and when necessary power to make political decisions may be decentralised, it is however important to note that this is not a constitutional obligation but the discretion, pleasure and will of the central government. One, amongst, many features…show more content…
Uganda became a republic in 1967 which gave the president more power under the veil of unitary system of government. Idi Amin the then army commander declared himself President and got rid of the parliament and altered the constitution to give him absolute power. Amin's rule caused economic decline, social disintegration and human rights violations. The Acholi and Langi tribes were especially targeted of his political persecution because they had supported his predecessor Milton Obote. It is estimated that by 1984 more than 100,000 Ugandans had been murdered and more than 80,000 were forced to leave the

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