Tourist Destination In Tourism

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To accomplish this research, two research approaches were carried out, the first consisted of literature exportation on concepts related to the size of tourist destination, followed by a Focus Group and interviews with the tourism industry experts to discussion and selection of the most appropriate concepts. According to Malhotra, 2006, exploratory research can be made to the more descriptive research to determine the thesis or hypothesis gathered during the first search. Empirical research was to implement a semi-guided questionnaire for international tourists after their stay in Portugal and those remaining within the boarding gates at Lisbon International Airport (AIP). The questionnaire was defined by two groups of variables: sociodemographic…show more content…
For the propose of this article, the authors only used the three destinations concepts (see table I). The implementation and data collection were made by the researcher and a team of professional interviewers who, addressed the tourists during their waiting near the boarding gates. The share of interviews and choice of boarding gates was previously set using the tourist flow data in the AIP for the period of 2010-2012, courtesy of ANA-Aeroportos of Portugal, during exploratory research. The sample obtained was of 500 interviews with an approximate error of 4%. This approach addresses the concept of tourist destination in tourism studies as an explanatory element of the link between the individual and the destinations they visit during their vacation. The literature review contributed various explanatory dimensions of the tourist destination, which in this research, are contributions to diagnose non-resident perceptions regarding…show more content…
Focusing its attention on the socioeconomic aspects of the destinations and the organization of social actors in the tourism sector. If, on one hand, the marketing should consider the institutional and economic structures of a destination for its projection to potential tourists (Pike, 2012), on the other hand, the marketing strategy should focus its action on certain critical success factors (Baker & Cameron, 2008; Cox & Wray, 2011). The factorial analysis of principal components to survey results allowed to return four factors that explain 64% of the total sample (see Table II). The reliability of the results showed a Cronbach's alpha, which allows us to state a high data consistency and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin index (KMO) of 0.98 with a significant Bartlett's rotundity test, showing that the reduced number of factors explain much of the variability in the data. The rotation substance of factors clarity allows the grouping of variables under factors, Table III, consisting of the factors in the ground after rotating, emphasizing the variables with factor importance at its upper part to 0.5 (Hair & Anderson, 2005). The variables have higher communities at 0.5 demonstrating the ability of these to represent their factor, this is, the proportion of the variance that is explained by the main components (Malhotra, 2006; Tucker, Koopman & Linn,

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