Food Tourism Image

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views, opinions, feeling, and expressing ideas inclusively about a particular tourism destination (Matos et al., 2012). Since decades ago, destination image (DI) terminology has been vigorously investigated and established in tourism and consumer behavior studies (Baloglu & McCleary, 1999; Chen & Tsai, 2007; Chi & Qu, 2008; Hjalager, & Corigliano, 2000; Lertputtarak, 2012; Matos et al., 2012; Shahrim, Karim, & Lia, 2011). Congruently, the researcher preferred to focus on food tourism image because it gives readers a clear and better understanding on the matter being probed. Previously, research on food image in tourism has been done worldwide (S. Ab Karim & Chi, 2010; Adzahan & Karim, 2012; Chi et al., 2013; Chi & Qu, 2008; Jalis, 2009; Lertputtarak,…show more content…
With respect to cultural food, this theory postulated those individuals who possess a high degree of knowledge, familiarity, getting involved in food consumption and preparation, and perceived the importance of cultural ethics is very much demanded to uphold the food tourism image (Shenoy, 2005). The proposed relationship between these three construct is agreed by Baloglu and McCleary (1999),, personal (involvement) and stimulus (knowledge) effect on image ( food tourism image) need to be further examined in different settings, to overcome the nature of multifaceted concept of image (Matos et al.,…show more content…
According to (Lin & Chen, 2006), high level of consumer knowledge relies on the inadequate information to evaluate a product, but with high level of involvement, it will catalyze the path between involvement and favorable perception on destination image. Likewise, as identified in (Liang, 2012) study, which was scrutinizing the linkage between consumers’ product involvement, product knowledge and buying behavior in Taiwan, it has been proven that knowledge demonstrates positive direct relationship with the level of involvement. Similar finding also reported by Chang, Kivela, & Mak, et al., (2010) ; Kim, et al., (2009) and Mak et al., (2012). in a study of investigating the relationship between knowledge and involvement among local consumers’ food consumption. Meanwhile, in (Famularo, Bruwer, & Li, 2010) study of wine as a case, explicates that the level of tourists’ knowledge also increases with the high level of involvement. Nevertheless, the influence of food cultural involvement in accelerating tourists’ level of knowledge is still novel and not yet been thoroughly

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