Too Much Homework Essay

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Are Schools Assigning Too Much Homework? 69% of students are getting insufficient sleep at night due to the amount of homework they are receiving. Many believe the amount of homework students are being given is outrageous, meaning there’s way too much to keep up with. On the other hand, some don’t care about the amount. They focus on the advantages of homework, making them think the amount of it is good. Homework does have its benefits, but the amount of it being given is negatively impacting students. Homework causes students feelings of stress. This stress is added to any that has previously existed from lives outside of school. Stress actually causes students to earn overall lower test scores. Great amounts of stress, or pressure, make…show more content…
They have numerous different things do to, besides just going to school and doing their homework. Students are having to spend the majority of their time focusing on their education. That probably sounds like a good thing, but it is important for kids developing into young adults to involve themselves in some kind of activity outside of school. Many students are involved in extracurricular activities, which actually tends to increase their success rates. Important life skills are learned from involvement in extracurricular activities. For example, students are motivated to work hard, in attempt to become the best they can be while doing the things they enjoy. “There is a link between college attendance and students involved in extracurricular activities” (Krontialz 4). When students are involved in doing things they enjoy, they tend to be more motivated and enthusiastic. Adolescents get opportunities to spend time with people they look up to, such as a coach they consider to be a role-model. Students may become eligible for scholarships, which if received, is a push for them to go to college. Homework, limiting time for these beneficial extracurricular activities, is taking away great chances students could have from the involvement in these sports and

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