Health Issues In Ghana

1978 Words8 Pages
ACKGROUND OF THE SYUDY The concept of understanding Health is one of the most complicated issues for governments, professionals, Organizations, individuals and academia even in this 21st century. However, WHO consider Health not only as the absence of a disease or infirmity but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being (World Health Organisation Constitution, 1948). The WHO definition acknowledged the fact that our physical, mental and social well-being is important if indeed we want to remain Healthy. Good Health care is critical to our well-being and development. How a country progresses in terms of its economic growth is largely based on how accessible and obtainable the country’s healthcare facilities are. A good health…show more content…
Also, his studies has shown that women participation in decision making on health care utilisation is critical in determining the health status of women and their children. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary (n.d) participation is the act of joining with others in doing something. Ganle et al.(2015)observed that in most Ghanaian homes where men dominate in all aspects of the decision making process, women’s participation in household decision making is very critical as it will create platform for them to make strategic decisions that affect their health. Like most countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Ghana is one country in which Household decision making is dominated by men. A study in Northern Ghana shows that in most Muslim dominated communities’ men are responsible for making all the household decisions which affects the rate of maternal health care accessibility (Ganle, 2015). Women are encircled by the age old customs, low literacy level, under paid labour and an unbroken cycle of child birth in urban and mostly in rural areas. Women are considered economically unproductive individuals and their role in rural as well as urban areas is not recognized (Kharal, 2000). Women in Ghana like other developing countries are underrepresented in areas like access to resources, decision making and status due to ethnic, cultural and agro-ecological…show more content…
It is therefore necessary to assess the participation of women in household decision making especially on healthcare utilization in rural and urban areas. This study is very important as it brings to light how women’s participation in decision making contributes to the success of a family. It will also help to discover ways of empowering women to make informed decisions concerning the wellbeing of their families. It will also help to point out challenges women face in making attempt to make decisions and ways in which they can be

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