Tobacco Advertising In The United States

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In 2009, President Obama signed a historic bill to protect the public health by providing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to regulate manufacturing, marketing and sale of tobacco products (CNN, 2009). The house representative, Henry “Hank” Johnson, I chose in week three voted yes on regulating tobacco as a drug. The FDA is responsible for making sure that food and cosmetics, human and veterinary, biological products and medical devices are safe and effective. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of deaths in the United States (CDC, 2014). Over eight million people in the United States have smoking-related chronic illnesses and over 400,000 people in the United States die each year from cigarette smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke (CDC, 2014). The tobacco control laws and policies are aimed to prevent people, mostly children and youth, from starting the use of tobacco, help people quit using tobacco…show more content…
According to the most recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reports on cigarette and smokeless marketing, show that $9.6 billion represents nearly ten percent increase in marketing expenditures in 2012 (HHS, 2015). Many of the tobacco companies claim that they have stopped intentionally marketing to kids and targeting youth in their research or promotional efforts, but they continue to advertise tobacco in ways that reach vulnerable underage populations (HHS, 2015). For example, tobacco companies advertise heavily at retail stores near schools and playgrounds, with large and clearly visible signs outside stores. President Obama acknowledged the struggle that young people face when they try to stop smoking before signing the bill. He stated, “I know because I was one of those teenagers. I know how difficult it can be when you get started at a young age (CNN,

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