Personal Narrative: Finding Your Identity

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Finding your identity Two of the hardest things in life are growing up and meeting new people. Throughout life I went through many changes, this biggest change was upon myself and the friendships I made along the way. Do you ever feel like it’s harder to make friends as you get older then it was when you were younger? When I first started out in school, I was careless and I didn’t care what I was wearing, who I was hanging out with, or where I lived. But as I grew up it got even harder, people start to care more about the little things in life rather than the more important things. Which makes it harder to grow up having the same friends and its gets it’s even harder to find new ones. Transitioning through elementary school, middle…show more content…
It was so easy to make friends in kindergarten and just be myself with no responsibility. It’s a time period where I didn’t have a care in the world. It was so easy to make friends because all I wanted to do was play tag and have someone to swing on the swing with. I remember it was a fall day you could hear the leaves rub against each other and I could see the leaves changing to vibrant orange and yellow colors. I could smell the fresh bake chocolate chip cookies my mom was making from the house, While me and my neighbors were just playing in the leaves just being goofy and didn’t care if we were getting dirty we were just enjoying that cool fall day without a care in the world. Middle school can be quite different from elementary school. By then classes are getting harder and girls start to realize boys don’t have coodies anymore and I was in the midst of changing and experimenting new things in life. High school is a completely different story, people start looking more towards their future, People I called my best friends suddenly turned in to strangers and I was suddenly peer pressured to try a hundred new things. Life just got very confusing and stressful; it’s a period in my life where I was really finding out exactly who I was and who I wanted to surround myself with. College took me back to kindergarten, in the sense of starting over going to school where I was lucky if I knew one…show more content…
For me I was able to learn new things and find who I really was. Kindergarten was easy, I was and outgoing kid with a big personality. It was a time where learning was fun and it didn’t matter who you hanged out with. As soon as I hit middle school it was harder for me to transition. I was playing new sports, focusing more on school, and joining new clubs. Although I was meeting all these new people it was harder for me to make new friends because I was so scared of being judged for how I acted or what I looked like. By the time I hit high school I was a whole different person; I started to change how I acted and how I presented myself which made it even harder to really find friends that I could make a connection with. As my four years of high school slowly started to come end, I started to learn that being yourself is better than pretending to be someone you don’t want to be just to be in with the “in crowd”. When college finally came I was able to start the first day the same way I started kindergarten by being outgoing and letting my big personality come out from the
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