World No Tobacco Day Essay

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World No Tobacco Day - the last 23 years, was held on 31 May, a few even aware of the significance. The World Health Organization (WHO) began in 1987 by the World No Tobacco Day, the negative effects of tobacco on the 24-hour break from all forms of tobacco use for inspiration in an attempt to shine a light, almost a quarter of a century.Sharply - - but smoking is so clearly observed in all the messages are on the rise in Asia. 1.3 billion smokers in the world of 700 million live in Asia. China, India, Indonesia, and tobacco is the world's largest consumers. China's 350 million smokers puff 2 trillion cigarettes a year. Indonesia, cigarette smoking has increased 26 percent over the past 15 years. Public health consequences of smoking is increased…show more content…
Trend, trying to buck Thailand Asian record one of the most progressive - in 2006, the air-conditioned restaurant, bar, and a ban on smoking in public places, and all the required health warning on cigarette packs now. Adult, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, men who smoke, and 37 percent below the average of 70 per cent, of those who smoke. In January, the seven major Chinese cities on banning smoking in workplaces and public places. Indonesia's second largest Muslim organization,, Muhammadiyah, for Muslims, "sinner" it declared, issued a fatwa against smoking. Is not legally binding, Books for Youth (age 13-16) in a country where an estimated 25 percent of the now regular smokers, cigarette smoking appears to have started a social stigma. National Conservatory of revenue sharing will continue to be a challenge for Asian countries clearly made while not discourage people from smoking. But the number of people worldwide who use tobacco to one billion deaths in the 21st century, in the 20th century smoking-related deaths is 10 times as high as 100 million people could be estimated. And, this is Asia's health care system is bound to be a huge hug. To assume such evil, possibly Asian governments and their citizens to ask themselves whether they can afford to continue

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