To Kill A Mockingbird Research Paper

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To Kill A Mockingbird teaches its readers many lessons. A big lesson that is shown through Atticus is to keep fighting even though you know you would lose. Atticus was given a case involving a black man with a rape charge. Going into that case, he knew that the chances of him winning were slim. He still went through a lot of work. Mobs were even after him. He still did his job because he was persistent and knew it was the right thing to do. Another important lesson in To Kill A Mockingbird is that you can't truly understand a person unless you put yourself in their shoes. Scout and Boo are great examples of this. During most of the book, Scout was afraid of Boo because him and his family seemed off. Towards the end of the book, she met Boo and found out who he really was. He was a nice man who helped to save Jen and Scout. He was also scared of the dark. Scout made friends with him later. Another lesson that To Kill A Mockingbird teaches is the world is unfair. This is shown through Tom and Atticus. The world treated Tom unfairly because he was black. He was arrested…show more content…
Atticus and Jem took rather dangerous risks compared to the other characters. Jen's risk was not as bad as Atticus's risk, though. Jem took a risk when he took on a dare given to him by Dill and Scout. He had to touch the side of the Radley house. This posed a threat to Jem because he didn't know the Radley's that well and he didn't know the yard layout much, either. We learn that it was a big risk later in the book when Nathan Radley gets trigger-happy with his shotgun. Jem was risking his life. Atticus had an even bigger risk on his hands. Mr. Finch risked his reputation, his friendships, and his career to take Tom Robinson's case. The town even had mobs after him, as he risked his life on Tom's case because he knew it was the right thing to do. Nobody wanted a black man's case. But Atticus risked everything on him. He figured he'd roll the
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