To Kill A Mockingbird Research Paper

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Imagine the one book almost every high schooler reads, is eliminated from the curriculum. To Kill a Mockingbird teaches important morals for high schoolers throughout the book. While being an important book in an English class it also paints a picture of southern life in the 1930s. This book keeps readers entertained with its simple language. To Kill a Mockingbird should never be eliminated from the high school curriculum because it teaches valuable morals, historical lessons, and is easy to understand. The morals in To Kill a Mockingbird can teach valuable lessons to high school students. Atticus defending and wanting Tom Robinson to win the case shows integrity. Everyone, including the children, in Maycomb County thought Atticus defending a black man…show more content…
Atticus has the quality of always being true to his morals. Teenagers can learn from this. If something goes against your morals, you should speak up for yourself. Atticus could have took the case halfheartedly, which would have been socially accepted, but it would have gone against his morals. Cal teaches Scout about not judging people when she states "'There's some folks who don't eat like us,' she whispered fiercely, 'but you ain't called on to contradict 'em at the table when they don't. That boy's yo' comp'ny and if he wants to eat up the table cloth you let him, you hear?'" (Lee 27). Scout judges Walter because he is poor. She doesn't think he is worthy enough to eat plentifully at the Finch's. This is such an important moral for high schoolers to learn. High schoolers constantly judge each other from their education to their family's wealth. Another moral that is taught
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