To Kill A Mockingbird Research Paper

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Readers can gain a richer understanding of To Kill A Mockingbird when examining the author, Harper Lee’s life and times. Clearly, readers can see how Harper Lee’s book is one suggesting equality and of protest because in the video Southern Reaction 1960 it was demonstrated that “ “ (PBS). Readers can view how this protest for racial change is reflected in Atticus’s defense of Tom Robinson when he says, “The main reason [I defended Tom] is, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to head up in town. . . I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again.” With better understanding of Harper Lee’s background, the reader can dig deeper and figure out the meaning or relationship between Lee and her book. Harper Lee was an advocate for equal rights and equality, as demonstrated in her book, To Kill A Mockingbird, which fought towards the idea that “all men are created equal.” As a rule, people are hesitant and single-minded toward things they don’t believe in, so people…show more content…
Atticus Finch, also a unique character in his time believed he was obliged to defend Tom Robinson, a black man, at court because it was the right thing to do. Harper Lee’s opinion on racism is portrayed through Atticus in To Kill A Mockingbird. Though people in Maycomb told Atticus, a respectable white man, not to defend Tom Robinson in court because it was a time when many people disrespected African Americans, however, he did anyways. It was risky for Atticus to do, but he, like Harper Lee, acts upon what is right not what society believes. Using Lee’s background you can see that Atticus was not just a good father, he was an important figure in the change towards equality. At the time, hardly anyone stood by his decision in defending a black man, but in retrospect, it started a small change in people’s
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