Criminology: Theories, Patterns, And Typologies Summary

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Chapter 14 in Larry Siegel’s book, Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies discusses the criminology behind public order crimes. Public order crimes are violations of the law that jeopardize the safety and welfare of a community. People who commit these kinds of crimes often abuse and/or sell drugs, prostitute themselves or others, or exhibit some unusual, illegal sexual fetish. The chapter provides an in depth discussion of these people and their reasons why. Public order crimes are often victimless crimes. Even though a crime is committed, a victim is not always obvious. Sometimes, this makes them hard to prosecute or create legislation around them. They are considered crimes anyways because they often go against the morals agreed upon by society. Some individuals become vigilantes or moral crusaders and take matters into their own hands by personally persecuting those who commit public order…show more content…
It does this by posing many thought provoking questions that force me to apply the information from the readings to my own life to help me answer them. For example, the book asks “Is the community harmed when an adult website goes online or a brothel opens down the street?” Upon reading this question, I immediately think about my own community and how it would be affected by one of these two events. Personally, I believe pornography does not do much harm to the community as a whole because it is a personal choice to look at it or buy it. On the other hand, I think a brothel could potentially be a detriment to my neighborhood. I fear teenaged girls with find themselves being coerced into sex work to build business and teenaged boys will see sex as something that has to be bought. The rest of the chapter delves into issues like these and how they impact communities on a national basis. It starts by explaining and analyzing prostitution and sex

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