Mother Teresa Analysis

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Ambassador of God - Mother Teresa By Pascal Lopes | Submitted On October 13, 2009 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 1 Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest The 5th of September, 2009 marks a little more than a decade since the world lost the Ambassador of God and Icon of the 20th century Mother Teresa, who continues to live in the hearts of her believers across the world Pope John Paul the 2nd has said "Mother Teresa marked the history of our century with courage. She served all human…show more content…
She was born on 17th August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje [Yugoslavia (now known as Macedonia)] and was baptized as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. After graduating high school in Skopje she joined the sisters of Loreto. She was sent to the orders convent in Calcutta. Nineteen years later she left the convent to work directly with the slum residents of Calcutta, all she had then was her unfailing faith and tremendous determination. Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of charity that brought hope to the poorest of poor not only in India but across the world. The deepest consolation offered by her was something that went beyond physical care, it was LOVE. It involves emotional involvement, making people feel they are…show more content…
Mother Teresa was granted a full state funeral by the Indian Government, an honor normally given to presidents and prime ministers. Following the death of Mother Teresa a host of countries like Liberia, Malta, Uganda, The Turks and Caicos Island etc. issued coins in her name. An interesting coin of Mother Teresa issued by the Turks and Caicos Island is of guilt copper nickel, the front of the coin carries a portrait of Mother Teresa and her signature with the inscription "God bless them those who help hungry people", Reverse of the coin shows embedded date and value. A coin was issued by Turks & Caicos Island immediately after the death of Mother Teresa as a part of the campaign against hunger. Few organizations took objection to the use of Mothers name for promotional campaign and the coin was recalled. Mother Teresa was formally beatified by Pope John Paul 2 on 19th October, 2003; a second verified miracle is required for Mother to proceed to canonization as a saint. With so much service to poor, incapacitated and needy I doubt if any more miracles are really needed. She is the peoples saint. Only a saint can leave everything at age of 17 to serve people in third world

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