Antisocial Behavior Case Study

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1.0 Antisocial Behaviour in Jordan Jordan is displaying signs of antisocial behaviour. People with antisocial behaviour will not take into consideration of others’ feelings, or show any remorse for hurting others. Moreover, it is common that they display anger and hostility, but not the other feelings that they are experiencing. These disruptive acts can be overt or convert but it is done intentionally in mind to hurt others. (Hanrahan, n.d.). Antisocial behaviors may begin to be displayed from a very young age, usually at the initial stage, will be observed at home and at a later age, be shown in school. Such antisocial behaviors may further translate into disruptive behavior in class and result in serious aggressive acts like verbal abuse,…show more content…
Also, Jordan being verbal abusive uses insulting words to Justine by saying she is stupid and deny her chance to pretend play as a firefighter. When playing with his friends, Jordan is unaware of other’s feelings and he thoughtlessly snatch the toy wagon from Justine without asking simply because he wants to have it then pushed her away. Apart from Jordan being rude to Justine on these occasions, he even attempt to hurt or scare Justine by shoving Justine away with both hands and hissed “get out of my way!” after she accidentally bumped into him. As explained, from the case study, we can infer that Jordan exhibit some aggression and antisocial behaviour. Antisocial behaviour may not be serious but it may affect the lives of the individual where Jordan may be ostracized by peers (Mooij, 1999). Therefore, actions needs to be taken in order to prevent Jordan from bringing it to his future. 2.0 Analysis During the preschool years, children tends to express themselves physically through hostile aggressive acts such as name calling, snatching toys and pushing others (Reebye,…show more content…
The adults can demonstrate and reinforce on the appropriate behaviour through role play for instance, being polite and ask for toys instead of snatching. More importantly, the adults themselves should never use negative words to anyone but instead to always be respectful towards anyone (FCARC, 2008). On top of that, the teacher can educate the child with alternative ways to communicate with people without being overly aggressive. For example, during storytelling, books that focus on the importance of friendship and good manners can be told to the children. The teacher then explain to them why we should not be disrespectful. Apart from telling, adults need to ensure it is being practiced (FCARC, 2008). Operant condition is put to action to reinforce Jordan’s positive behaviour. For example when the Jordan ask for a toy from his classmates, the teacher should praise him for choosing to use appropriate words instead of snatching it forcefully as it will foster self-confidence which motivates him to continue this behaviour (Grace, 2012). On the other hand, appropriate discipline need to be set to prevent inappropriate

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