Theory Of Everything Reflection

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Recently, the world was captivated by the incredible movie “The Theory of Everything”. The movie arrested the emotions of its viewers, taking then on a heartfelt and emotional ride. The movie was the autobiography of Stephen Hawking, who is considered to be one of the most intelligent individuals of our time. Professor Hawking continues to live with a motor neuron disease Lou Gehrig’s disease which, causes the affected individual to lose all control of voluntary muscles which can cause total paralysis and death (Mitsumoto, 2009). Hawking’s story is out of the ordinary because he was able to achieve an outstanding career in astrophysics, while maintaining a pleasing family life. In the “World’s Report on Disability,” Hawking highlights some…show more content…
They are devoted to their work and will even file law suits where necessary to ensure that change happens to accommodate their cause. However, ACB prefers to work using structured negotiations to create change. In an effort to assist persons who are blind and visually impaired, ACB has engaged in action to develop public transportation systems that implement auditory stop broadcasts on buses and on trains, install accessible pedestrian signals that can be used by blind and deaf people, encourage the state in supply voting machines that permit persons who are blind and visually impaired to vote by their self and in private, encourage the state of Hawaii to permit blind persons to use their guide dogs , encourage banks and other sale organizations to arrange for blind people to conduct their business in private with the use of credit and debit card processing gadgets, and work with technology engineers to make visual and graphical devices more accessible for blind persons to use. ACB , in an effort to make roundabouts and other traffic controls less difficult for blind pedestrians, have published an online book called the “Pedestrian Safety Handbook” which provides engineers with information on how to develop better approaches to urban planning ( American Council for the Blind,
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