Get Away With Murder Episode Analysis

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How to get away with murder is TV show directed by Shonda Rhimes and the show is basically about the professional life of Annalise Keating, a criminal law professor at Middleton University (fictitious) in Philadelphia, one of the most prestigious Law Schools in America. Annalise selects a group of her best students from her university class to work at her firm. The work on cases and she wins all of them or gets a mistrial and although everything might seem rosy or perfect at the surface, it isn’t quite so, she defends the guilty defendants and with the help of her students, she finds loopholes to turn the case in her favor. The precise episode that I would use in the TV series is episode 7. In episode 7, Annalise takes up the case of Elizabeth to represent her in court and the whole notion behind this episode is to get a gag order from the court and also persuade the court to not approve the exhumation of Leila body. Everyone is sure even Annalise is sure that her client Elizabeth is guilty of the murder and if the body is exhumed, they would lose…show more content…
According to (J. Riles, lecture, October 28, 2014) social learning theory what “we learn by watching others behave” while Excitation Transfer is when a media content is exciting and we confuse that excitement with something else. Social learning theory and Excitation Transfer are similar in the sense that they are, non-cumulative, work on an individual level, causes change, but most importantly the audience only need to be exposed to that content once to be impacted. Although they effect theories might be similar, the most momentous differences is that the social learning theory impact/reaction is a long term duration while Excitation transfer is more of in the moment thing (short
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