The Misunderstood Savages

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The misunderstood savages Introduction Australia (2008), directed by Baz Luhrmann, is a film set in Australia just before World War II about the culture clash between the colonizers and aborigines and how people were treated back then. This postcolonial analysis will be discussing the movie’s racial and cultural aspects from different perspectives. The main plot is about an English woman named Lady Sarah Ashley who finds out on a visit to her husband’s beef farm that he has died and shortly after is convinced to keep the business running. When exposed to this new culture Ashley’s first thought is that the Australians are rude and the Aboriginal people are frightening but throughout the movie she changes her mind when she creates personal…show more content…
The Aboriginal perspective gives the viewers a look at the abuse that the aborigines had to go through at that time and how they experienced it. The English perspective is there to show how a new culture might be very frightening to someone who has never experienced a new culture and have been indoctrinated with certain ideas of white-supremacy. A westerner at this time might have considered these native people as savages. Lady Ashley’s is for example at first a little scared of Aboriginal people because she has never experienced any other culture other than the western one. When it comes to the Australian perspective there are two types: the racist and non-racist. The racist side is there to portray the whites’ political agenda and what they think of the aborigines, which is that they are barbarians who need the whites’ help. The non-racist side, mostly displayed through a character named Drover, is there to show how these people reacted to their countrymen’s racism. The movie is able to tell all these perspectives by following different characters even though it has one narrator, which is the half white and half Aboriginal child Nullah who talks in first person. Having all these different perspectives gives the movie a detail rich impression and makes sure that the viewer understands how everything worked back

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