For Colored Girls Movie Analysis

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“A powerful chorus harmonizing dark phrases of womanhood,” a powerful title of the article written by Manohla Dargis, based on the newly released movie, “For Colored Girls,” written by Tyler Perry. A movie that reveals the secret life of both young and old, black women in the twenty-first century. Dargis continues to explain how most of Tyler Perry’s movies are mainly directed to the African American community and that the “white critics don’t get him,” (Dargis 2011). Watching the movie, one would have been able to watch the struggle that most black women go through in their day-to-day lives, a topic that America refuses to acknowledge. For example, each individual represents a type of woman, such as: the young virgin who gets pregnant before college; the woman who is raped; the woman who has an abusive husband; the woman who is affected by A.I.Ds because her husband is hiding the fact that he is gay; and the list goes on and on with the different scenarios of women introduced in the film. Writing about this particular movie was very important as a topic because watching the…show more content…
One cannot honestly consider a story if they cannot relate. In the film, there is not one Caucasian individual, which is why the film did not get as much attention as it should have. Even though this is a problem in communication, it only directs its attention to one particular audience the idea behind it could relate to all because it could relate to Fisher’s theory of Narrative Fidelity, which explains in simple terms “Logic of Good Reason,” one must pay attention to the message that is trying to show through the film. Women of all races go through some form of struggle (Fisher,

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