Characteristics Of Gian Lorenzo Bernini

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Gian Lorenzo Bernini is a versatile and inspired Italian artist in the history of baroque art. Sculptor and architect are the two well-known characters. However, Gian Lorenzo Bernini is also a painter, a city planner and a man of the theater. Bernini was born in Naples in 1598. He was the sixth child of Pietro Bernini, who is originally from Florence. In 1606, Gian Lorenzo Bernini learns the art of sculpture from his father. His talent was soon observed by both the painter Annibale Carracci and Pope Paul V after involving several high profile projects of his father in Rome. He soon gained the important patronage of Cardinal Scipione Borghese, the papal nephew. His first works were inspired by antique classical sculpture. The reputation of Gian…show more content…
He, as a master of dynamic, can transform everything to an active drama. His artworks usually depict a fleeting moment, and blur the boundaries between illusionism and reality. Gian Lorenzo Bernini has a unique understanding of art and nature. Hence, he can successfully combine art and reality. When spectators appreciate the beauty of Bernini’s masterpieces, they are easily intoxicated with the artworks because of the ambiguous boundaries between art and reality. One of the most outstanding characteristics is that Gian Lorenzo Bernini can use every part of his figure to express emotion. The viewers can find it from the hands, poses, draperies and faces. Gian Lorenzo Bernini has a very strong ability to depict dramatic narratives. For instance, in his work, David, he successfully shows the intensity of the fleeting moment that David is about to hit the…show more content…
The sculpture of Apollo and Daphne illustrate the myth of Apollo and Daphne. Apollo, as a Greek and Rome god, is crazy about Daphne because of the love arrow of Eros. However, Daphne is hit by the heat arrow of Eros, so Daphne tries her best to get rid of Apollo. This sculpture captures the moment, which Daphne gradually becomes a laurel tree due to persistent chasing of Apollo. Daphne’s arms in this sculpture have already transformed into the branches. This beautiful artwork is craved by a variety of textures of marble. The format of this sculpture is in-the-round, which can be told by open style. Both Daphne’s and Apollo’s hands are reaching out. It is like they almost step out. The deep Roman drill work, obviously, gives the sculpture a more exquisite

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