Conceptual Metaphors Analysis

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In light of the conceptual metaphor theory (CMT), Abdullah Al-Harrasi , in his article "Ideological Conceptual Metaphors in Arabic- English Translation of Political Discourse," (2003) focuses on the filtering techniques governmental translators of National Day speeches of Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman used to handle the ideological implication of the conceptual metaphor OMANIS ARE SONS OF OMAN (the FAMILY metaphor). The study aims at highlighting the importance of recognizing and understanding the ideological implications of conceptual metaphors to Translation Studies. It proposes that these metaphors are naturalized and "come to be seen as non-ideological common sense". (87) It also assumes that it is the translator's role to 'defamiliarize'…show more content…
It also points out two roles of translators: first, as ideology experts (not only transmitters of information from the source language to the target language). The second role is creating a positive image about the source culture in the target culture. The study concludes by asserting the translators' awareness of the purposefulness of ideological metaphors as well as their the multi-cultural expertise that allows them to decide on ideological metaphors and the best techniques to tackle them. Accordingly, translators serve as guards of the ideology of the source culture and "conscious social group" (104) who identifies what others ignore and consider as common sense. More specifically, after explaining the importance of CMT to translation, the researcher state that the “forms of translatorial actions […] are based on translator's awareness of the existence of an underlying metaphor”. (86) In the second part, the researcher rejects the arbitrariness of ideological metaphor. He assumes that "People often fail to notice that they deem as natural is, in fact, ideological."…show more content…
Notably, this study builds upon existing research of noticeable scholars in critical discourse such as Fairclough, Fowler and Nord alongside a handful of up-to-date research. Nevertheless, the researcher does not any critical or analytical of his resources. Furthermore, he does not include any study that contrasts with his argument. Regarding the findings, the researcher follows the steps of authors oflate cognitive school such as , Deignan (1999) and Steen (1999) and builds them upon the analysis of naturally-occurring data and large corpora (see Norgaard, 62). He as well successfully relates findings back to the overall problem of the study, to develop a theoretical framework for understanding ideological conceptual metaphor in translation and hence the role of a translator in the process. Generally speaking, the findings are well organized, sectioned, and reported objectively. Besides, the conclusions are based on the findings and

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