Analysis Of Can The Subaltern Speak

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Gayatri Spivak is unsurpassed as a woman postcolonial theorist. She describes herself as a “para-disciplinary, ethical philosopher” (Wikipedia). She began her early profession with “applied deconstruction.” Her fame began with the first translation and preface to Derrida’s Of Grammatology (1976) and this has made her apply deconstructive strategies to a range of theoretical writings and textual analyses that also includes feminism, Marxism, literary criticism and post colonialism. Can the Subaltern Speak?” is an essay that was first delivered in 1983. This well known treatise established Gayatri Spivak among the ranks of feminists who include history, geography, and class when they think and write about the development of women. Spivak’s main effort in all her writings has been to try to find ways of accessing the subjectivity of those who are being investigated (wiki). Spivak derides the duplicity of postcolonial discourses that claim to promote the voices of those who were silenced, while they unintentionally serve to perpetuate the marginality and the subalternity of the oppressed. It is Gayatri Spivak who took the philosophy of deconstruction and used in feminism and globalized it. Her…show more content…
concept of the place of the ‘subaltern’ which is a word that was used by Antonio Gramsci to describe the people who lived in the marginalized fringe of the society; the people who did not have a right to

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