Theories Of Spelling Development

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For many eras, different theories emerged to explain the development of spelling. One of the assumptions about spelling development is that new spelling skills develops at every age and children pass through stages in their spelling development. Researchers argue about the number of stages that children go through in spelling. For example, Cramer (1998) described five different stages in spelling development such as Prephonetic, phonetic, patterns within words, syllable juncture, and meaning derivation. He classified each stage developmentally and explained that each stage consisted of different characteristics that distinguish it from other stages. Other researchers divided such stages into three, for instance, Frith (1985) described three stages of spelling acquisition: logographic, alphabetic and orthographic stage. However, such stages as explained by Frith (1985) viewed spelling as an interconnected process with reading and that the progression of one is followed by the evolution of the next. Three different theories in spelling development have enriched our knowledge about spelling. Grabner-Hagen (2004) explained the differences between the three theories of spelling development. The first theory which is called the dual-rote has been based on the studies of spelling difficulties in adults after brain…show more content…
This study gave overall general results about the Omani learners’ strategy in the field of language learning strategies. This study results’ indicated the usage of certain strategies among learners to a certain degree which supports the notion of the Overlapping theory that learners do use certain strategies more often than others depending on the efficient strategies available for them to learn. In the next section, spelling learning strategies will be explained generally and then specifically in the light of the Overlapping Waves

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