Vocabulary Literature Review

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Chapter Two Literature Review . Review of the literature on the effects of vocabulary development on literacy and the teaching strategies and acquisition of vocabulary skill, revealed numerous researcher who shared the views express by Marzano (2012), which stated that “Vocabulary form the core of the four language skills; listening, speaking, reading”. Therefore, special emphasis must be placed in teaching vocabulary skills, as this will increase student ability to master other areas of reading such as fluency and comprehension. Conversely, other finding indicated that certain basic vocabularies do not need instructions. Especially speaking vocabulary, it was estimated that about 8,000 basic speaking vocabulary words do not need…show more content…
They believed that most public school teachers have a number of teaching strategies that they modify to suit curriculum requirements in way that allow them to do what they know works best for the students. In teaching Vocabulary words for example, Interactive word wall strategy plays an important role in student learning. The words are posted in the classroom so that they are visible to all students, this visibility enable students to read them more often and refer to the chart when writing and include their own illustrations to help with word meanings. The availability of the words will also remind teachers to use the words for word study activities, Tompkins (2004 p. 163). The author goes on to suggest that, other word study activities using word wall, will provide opportunity for students to explore the meaning of word listed on word wall and other word related books they are learning about. As with this research study which included group activities that involves graphics and other activity to help them with the meaning of the word they are…show more content…
Since students with limited schemas, or prior knowledge, have more difficulties learning new words (Jenkins and Dixon 1983). The Schema theory is a part of the Piagetians Cognitive Development Theory, which stated that children learn and decode new information based on prior knowledge. When learning new words the lack of schema, often due to limited reading poses common problem for developmental education students (Willingham and Price 2009). This shows the relationship between vocabulary building and prior knowledge or schema, in that the more words in a child’s repertoire will help them to learn more words thus developing a better understanding of the
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