The Troubles: The Conflict In Northern Ireland

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The Troubles The Troubles was a conflict that found place in Northern Ireland, which began in 1968 and ended in 1998. On one side, stood the Nationalists, who mainly identified as Irish or Catholic. On the other side stood the unionists which mainly consisted of British or Protestants. The conflict was about Northern Ireland’s position in the United Kingdom. The Unionists wanted Northern Ireland to remain a part of the United Kingdom, while the Nationalists wanted the country to reunite with Ireland. The conflict was also a result of the discrimination against the Catholic minority by the Protestant majority. Background In the 1530s, when King Henry VIII was denied by the Pope to divorce his first wife, England and Scotland became Protestant…show more content…
On 21 May 1966, the UVF issued a statement declaring "war" against the IRA and anyone helping it. During 1969, the riots and demonstrations grew more violent, and the province was one the edge of a civil war. The Catholics got support from Ireland, while the Protestants asked the British for police forces and military support. The British government intervened and sent troops to the province. Officially, the troops were sent in order to sustain peace and order, and to protect the Catholic population. The result was a greater separation between the two groups and the start of a long lasting…show more content…
Six weeks later, the Protestant paramilitaries reciprocated. Less than two years later, on the 9th of February 1996, the IRA revoked the ceasefire by detonating a powerful truck bomb in Canary Wharf in London. This bombing is called the Docklands bombing. In 1997, negotiations for a new ceasefire started and the IRA reinstated their ceasefire. In 1998, a peace treaty, The Good Friday Agreement, was agreed upon and signed by the political parties in Northern Ireland and the two governments of the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. The Agreement restored self-government to Northern Ireland. The year after, an executive was formed, consisting of four main parties. The Executive and Assembly were suspended in 2002. The IRA declared an end to their armed campaign in 2005 and handed in their arms. Northern Ireland's devolved government returned in 2007 and has responsibility for the countries domestic affairs. All issues have not been solved and there are still incidents involving militant groups, but the situation in N. Ireland is now relatively
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