Sympathy In 'Everything In This Country Must'

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Feelings of Sympathy In “Everything in This Country Must,” Katie and her father are trying to save their horse after it trapped itself in the river during a rainstorm. After struggling for a while, a group of British soldiers approached and tried try to help the pair out. At first, the father was super happy that help had arrived, but soon after realizing who they were, his whole being changed. He became very upset and hostile towards the soldiers and unwillingly let them help save his horse. At this point, the reader is most likely confused as to why the father is so angry with the soldiers who are willing to take on the elements to save some stranger’s horse. It is soon revealed that the father shows hatred towards the soldiers because British soldiers killed his wife and son in a car crash, which the judge claimed to be an accident. The car crash is a vital piece of the story, so in the film adaptation of “Everything in This Country Must,” the visual and the placement of it makes the reader feel…show more content…
Even though the setting of this story is in a time called “the troubles” where British soldiers invaded Northern Ireland, the viewer can see from the beginning that the soldiers are not trying to intentionally hurt anyone. They are just driving around doing their job. They are joking around, trying to make the job a little more fun, listening to music when their lives got turned upside down. Running into the mom and son was a complete accident, and not only did the mom and son die, but the soldiers lost one of their own as well. The way it is played out on the screen really gets into the viewer’s emotions. All of the soldiers are evacuating the truck yelling “get out, get out!” while trying to get their fellow comrades out (02:11). They are all in a panic. The audience feels sadness for them because losing anyone for anybody is a really tough situation to be

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