Locke And John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

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Humans must have the ability to consider, understand, question, and perceive what are particular things or individuals. For Locke, particular things develop from general ideas. General words are not particular, they are not improper names, and has no existence on its own right. The idea that general terms explore what exists, and the efforts of making language efficient is examined through the ideas in Locke’s An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Book III. Locke’s theory explains why language primarily comes from general terms rather than names of particular things however he explains that some situations require providing names to particular things. General terms are acts of abstraction, for instance naming a chair the word is an abstraction…show more content…
John Locke the father of liberalism contributed to science by having a distinction between the use of general terms and particular things. His for most argument is that all that exists is particular he explains why most words are spoken in general terms. He explains that it is impossible to name every particular thing. Obviously naming particular is beyond the power of human capacity. Locke contends that ( Book iii, Chapter 3 section 3) that particular things are impractical for communications and are not intelligible to someone not familiar with the specifics of the particulars, therefore communicating in general terms permits the sharing of knowledge and ideas amongst people. Locke in (Book iii, Chapter 3 section 4) that things are grouped under general names and the complexity of the combination and permutations of language makes it logical to apply and memorize words under general terms as he argues prior that having to many words will not only exceed the intellectual capacity of a human but would also distrust

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