Ruskin Bond Short Story

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Any war or revolution or events like that give birth to lot of stories. This is one such story based around the period of Revolt of 1857 in INDIA. This one is different among most of Ruskin Bond's books, though I have not yet read all of his work. Most of his stories are either based on his own life's experiences, involve nature in one way or the other, and are concerned mostly with normal people and their normal lives and thats what makes them very realistic. This one is like a chapter from the history of our country, INDIA. STORY: The story starts with the capture of Shahjahanpur, a small town village in U. P., from english army by Indian Freedom fighters. With that starts killing and looting of english people settled over there with burning out their houses and…show more content…
There are two main characters leaving Ruth. Javed Khan and Mariam, her mother. The character of Mariam is the one which is most impactful and strong, so much so that it makes you admire her. A strong willed women with a great presence of mind. Way she saves her daughter from Javed is very impressive. Then Javed Khan a strong and powerful Pathan who can possess the girl any time he want, but he waits for the agreement of Mariam. You like him somehow, like Ruth, though its a negative character. The story is a real one told to Ruskin by his father and and to him by someone.. This novel has been made into a T. V. serial called "JUNOON" though I am not able to remember if I have seen it or not. The book is readable, atleast for one time, though not a very happy reading, it is interesting surely and humurous too at times. Consists of 120 pages with very simple words.I read it from the Collected Fiction book of Ruskin Bond, so cost I don't know. MY PICK : Havn't found any lines to pick, as its lengthy passages which I liked but when they are together. S hard to choose some lines... So I have picekd up a small passage this time..It goes like

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