The Three Causes Of Art

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Abstract art is the product of three causes during the birth of the 20th century. The aftermath of the first world war, new scientific advancement and innovation in art theory contributed to the birth of total abstract. The first cause was the aftermath of the first world war. Prior to the war the majority of the European populous had a strong sense of nationalism as a result European countries were compete to become the most influential nations of the 20th century instead of co-operating. This sense of extreme competition snowballed into the first world war, the first modern war. At the start there was many technological advancements, radios improved communication, machine guns replaced swords and planes were brought into the battle field…show more content…
Moreover the ideal of rebuilding from nil inspired numerous abstract artist to represent themes of destruction and rebirth. Not only did this have a direct effect on artist, the entire European society was forever change by the extreme horrors and destruction of war. A popular ideal of art started to emerge after the war, predominately from Russia, the ideal of these artists was that only though the artist depiction of optimism could lead the human race to a brighter future (Marks, 1990). Furthermore the death of millions made artist conclude millions died in the great war due to their spirits not being ready for the transformation. Thus Kandinsky stated that art assist people in noticing humanities “collective consciousness” which in tern reveal how united we are as a race, this was essential for a spiritual transformation (Marks, 1990). Ultimately, abstract artist saw world war one as spiritual transformation…show more content…
The scientific fields which directly influenced the creation of abstract art are psychology and physics; In the early 20th century many controversial psychological theories were proposed by Sigmund Freud. In addition Freud pioneered the psychiatric treatment of free association, this treatment focused on detaching the patient from any influence the psychiatrist may induce onto the patient. Innovative artist adopted this method and applied it to their art, though this methods psychologist manage to obtain emotions and thoughts which was straight from the patient themselves rather than evoke the patient to say what the psychologist expected. In another scientific field, physics J.J. Thomson discovered electrons which lead to a better understand of what really constructed our solid reality. Kandinsky adopted the notion of positive and negative charge and replaced it with contrasting art attractions and logic. When applied, symbols of Kandinsky's other intellectual knowledge could be grasp in parts his artwork (Ashmore, 1962). More over these advancements inspired Kandinsky who stated that abstract art should represent emotions or concepts ( Brandabur, 1973). Kandinsky artworks chiefly consist of symbols and colors which and psychologist or and physicist could identify but lack any real premise as a whole. By the early 20th century many scientific ideals were published and readily available to the public which is why many

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