Latin American Modernism Data Sheet

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World Literature/Culture Twentieth-Century Art Project Data Sheet Art movement: The art movement is called Latin American Modernism. Time period: The time period is early 20th century. Geographic area: The geographic area is Latin America. Origins and purposes of movement: In the Latin American Modernist movement there were many kinds of artists and mediums. One of the most famous of these artists were muralists. There were many of them in the early 20th century and one of the most famous of these muralists was Diego Rivera. At the time, the government had a great need for muralists. Muralists such as Diego Rivera were commissioned to create large murals depicting the history of Mexico. This would allow revolutionary change to happen…show more content…
Another characteristic is that in this time, political messages and stories were being conveyed with each work of art through many ways by putting in historical figures, symbols, etc. Some works of art convey personal feelings for instance, Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera’s wife, was famous for incorporating her personal feelings into her artwork. Representative artist presented: The artist is Diego Rivera (December 8, 1886 – November 24, 1957). He was the husband of Frida Kahlo and was best known for painting murals. Name of work: The name of the work is Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central Park (Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Alameda Central). Physical description of work: This artwork is a mural which shows hundreds of characters from 400 years of Mexican history in Mexico City’s first and largest park. It shows three significant eras of Mexican History: The Conquest The Porfiriato Dictatorship The Revolution of 1910 Prominent figures of those three eras are shown from left to right in chronological order. For instance, it includes: Hernán Cortés, famous Aztec Conquistador (a conqueror) Sor Juana, a nun and…show more content…
Diego Rivera; shown to be a young child as in reality, Frida Kahlo often treated him as a child. This is displayed by Kahlo placing her hand on his shoulder which symbolises protection and love for him. Frida Kahlo, wife of Diego Rivera and famous artist of that time as well; is holding the Yin and Yang symbol which is part of the Chinese philosophy and it embodies perfect balance. Yin means being dark, negative and feminine while Yang means positive, bright and masculine. This alludes to the relationship of Rivera and Kahlo. José Guadalupe Posada, produced the La Catrina print and is a notable artist of Latin American Modernism. La Catrina symbolises the bourgeoisie. She is depicted with a skeleton-face and is in European clothing. In addition, it alludes to the Aztec Earth Mother Coatlicue who also is represented with a skull. She also wears a serpent boa around her neck which symbolises her son Quetzalcoatl. Analysis of techniques: Techniques used in this painting correspond to characteristics and techniques used generally in the

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