Fine Art Bibliography

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Nowadays fine arts are permeated everywhere in the world. In other words, fine arts have been involved into people’s lives frequently, which they produce economy, vocations, and individual influences. These arguments have been proved recently. I found several sources that could get representative examples, and thoughts which obtain essential inspirations for my research. I mainly used Google Scholar to find articles on my topic. Thus I selected three articles, which are discussed in this bibliography. Baur, P. (2014). Inefficiency in the market for'Fine Art': how this market inefficiency promotes' Art Tourism'in South Africa. Retrieved from,45&as_ylo=2014…show more content…
(2005). From fine art to visual culture: Assessment and the changing role of art education. International Journal of Education through Art, 1(3), 211-223. Retrieved from In this paper, Doug (2005) studied the influence that brought by recent scientific and technical revolution-digital technology. It affected the acceptance of children to the popular culture by rapid reproduction and communication of images. The nature of fine arts has been influenced by the digital technology and popular culture, however, the expression of the culture also has been changed by the new technology. Art education and occupation are closely associated to dispose of this new challenge and attempted to grasp this opportunity to enhance the statue of the fine art. The new society needs to both focus on the instructors and students to prepare their future major. Instructors are able to take their responsibility to guide their students to find ultimate interests and promote to be successful. With the digital technology, people should not be limited by the old fine art concept, but base on the old fine art principle. It is the method to enhance the development of fine arts. In fact, children are the future to pass the wisdom and to…show more content…
The authors state that emotion differentiation reflects deeper and more knowledgeable aesthetic experiences. They discussed the positive and negative feelings experiment the response of 214 samples to see the various artworks including positive and negative themes. The result is positive emotion differentiation was associated with the curiosity of engagement and enjoyment, but not related to art knowledge and perceptual understanding. In other words, people who have the motivation to explore and have art expertise could feel more nuanced emotional

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