The Role Of Drug Control In China

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The drug problem related to national security, national prosperity and people's well-being, enforce drug control is consistent position of the government and insisted that China. In 20 years, in the face of the problem of drug fast development challenges the spread of the China government has always attached importance to drug control work, adhere to the narcotics control work into the economic and social development planning, as an important part of the national security and social stability, to mobilize all social forces to take all necessary measures to make the greatest efforts to ban the drug, for the benefit of the people. Chinese government attaches great importance to the construction of anti drug legal system, accelerating the pace of drug control legislation, enacted a series of laws and regulations, anti drug legal system gradually perfect, drug law become guidelines for drug control.…show more content…
In June 1, 2008, China's first comprehensive law on drug control -- the official implementation of the narcotics control law of the People's Republic of China. As a summary of Chinese years of work experience, absorb the international anti drug anti drug legislation essence, provides legal guarantee for the overall strengthening of drug control work in the new situation, Chinese drug control work entered into a new historical stage to comprehensively promote

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