The Pros And Cons Of Universal Health Care

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The idea of Universal Health Care (UHC), has been a hot topic since ObamaCare passed in 2010, but recently the debate has become fundamental when talking about US politics. Universal Health Care in the United States would essentially be the highest possible health care for everyone, without citizens being put in a financial burden (Cheng). Even with Universal Health Care, Citizens would be able to purchase higher healthcare options if wanted. So what’s the catch? Well in summary the catch is cost. With the US already having high taxes spending on health due to GDP per capita, distribution of market/prices and an already complex health care system, UHC would be a drastic hit to our government spending, and in turn weaken our economy (Reindhardt). Which brings up the question, does the government have a…show more content…
They believe that if UHC is implemented, it would could save countless amounts of lives, and make medical services available and affordable to everyone (Right to Health). Some supportive views on UHC intertwines with the United States economy. Many believe that UHC is good for economic productivity because citizens would miss less work due to being sick, and uninsured citizens would have the same health opportunities as everyone else (Right to Health). Almost all of the citizens who argue for Universal Health Care, see it as a human right. Stated in the Declaration of Independence, is “all men have unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Some perceive this as support for a right to health care because health care is necessary to live and pursue happiness (Right to Health). Since supporters of UHC see it has a human right, this side of the argument tends to be more

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