The Importance Of Health Screening

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Nowadays more and more people understand the importance of taking care of their health. Many individuals try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by sticking to proper eating, working out and doing away with bad habits. The aspiration for a healthy life, however, is impossible without regular check-ups. Unfortunately, many health issues can overtake us unexpectedly without developing any symptoms. That’s why it is vital to obtain reliable information on your health conditions. Such information can be provided by health screening. What does screening mean? Sometimes serious diseases are difficult to detect opportunely because usually at the early stages symptoms do not appear, patients do not feel any changes in the state of their health and therefore…show more content…
Sometimes results of screening may be confusing and do not provide a clear picture of what steps to undertake next. Among the undesirable effects of screening are the possibility of overdiagnosis and erroneous diagnosis. For instance, false negative results can create a deceptive sense of confidence in the absence of disease. On the contrary, false positive results, which identify problems at their apparent absence, lead to excessive anxiety and taking inappropriate procedures or medications. Screening tests can also lead to making tough decisions. For instance, during pregnancy screening can show problems with the prenatal development of a baby, which can force a woman to face a difficult decision about abortion. In any case, before agreeing for screening you ought to receive more information about it from your health professional. You can weigh all pros and cons and make an informed choice of whether it is worth having a test or…show more content…
Newborn screening The tests include physical examination, hearing test, and blood spot test. Diabetic eye screening The annual test is offered to people with diabetes that have reached the age of 12. The test is designed to spot early signs of diabetic retinopathy. Cervical screening This type of screening is offered to women older than 25 years old. At the age from 26 to 49 the screening is recommended to be taken once in every 3 years, after 50 a woman should take screening every 5 years. Breast screening Breast screening is designed to detect breast cancer and is offered to women aged 50 to 70. Bowel cancer screening Includes two types of screening: home testing kits for people aged 60 to 74 and bowel scope screening. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening Is offered to men at age of 65 to detect abdominal aortic aneurysms. Should you consider having screening in a private

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