Essay On Girls Education

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Chapter One: Girls Education Introduction Imagine spending hours at home painstakingly doing chores while your siblings are at school gaining valuable knowledge about the world. Many girls around the world are facing this exact crisis. In fact, 100 million girls around the globe haven’t finished or started elementary school. As Malala Yousafzai states, “Islam says that every girl and boy should be educated.” Despite this, terrorist groups in the middle east like the Taliban are denying girl the right to be educated. In Mali, only 15 out of 100 females know how to read. In fact, 35 million girls around the world do not go to school. In the article “Girl Gone Activist” it states that developing countries such as Mali are (above is a…show more content…
In fact, they would end up staying home and tending to younger siblings and doing other household chores. Despite this, there are millions of young girls who do not go to school. They end up missing the chance of making friends, enjoying the freedom of childhood, and would have a lot of stress early on in life. In conclusion, girls around the world are not receiving the basic right to education, and are suffering just because some people do not believe they should go to school. Malala Speaking Out Malala spoke out against the prejudice that the Taliban was preaching. She even wrote very detailed entries about her life under the pen name Gul Makai to write about her struggles. But one day, two men went into the bus Malala and her friends were in. One Man said, “Who is Malala?” Then the men looked at Malala and shot her in the head. Since then, Malala has been a big advocator for girls education. Malala’s Awards According to “Malala Yousafzai receives Sakharov”, Malala got “Woman of the year 2013” by Glamour. This shows that Malala made such a big impact that Glamour decided to give her an award. She has also
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