The Pros And Cons Of Online Education

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It is popular opinion that online schools are a bad idea with little individual growth opportunity, inferior classes, and no student-teacher connection. However, these ideals are outdated and stereotypical. With many new innovations, online education can be a better choice for a student. Online schools are equal to, if not better than, traditional public schools because students have more freedom to develop extracurricularly, have the ability to work on school at any time or place, and, despite social stigma, are improving and innovating every day. First, online schooling provides freedom of schedule and allows students to grow and pursue individual projects as well as complete schooling. Students can take on projects which most traditional…show more content…
Despite social stigma, distance education is improving and innovating every day. Many people have views against distance education and are given a skewed idea.There is a social stigma placed around the idea of online education, the idea of “diploma mills” or “educational leftovers” (places where little effort is required to graduate and are inferior to traditional public schools). However, contrary to public belief, many online schools have broken this mold through Learning Management Systems such as Moodle; these systems require internet but also students to see and talk to teachers and sometimes attend physical learning space. It is never acceptable to leave a student with a year’s worth of material and expect them to understand and perform with no interaction or ability to ask questions. Innovation is changing, improving circumstances for students and such horrible aforementioned situations are decreasing. In many learning management systems such as Moodle, teachers are available for questions several hours a day, and are contactable through email or by appointment; also, students are requested to attend activities and appear at offices for testing and/or meetings.This allows students to work individually but also connect with peers and teachers. Contrary to public belief, students are required to work with tests, schedules, school activities, and with people on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. It is the goal of educational executives to increase quality of schools and provide full, engaging educational options and an enriching, positive experience. Despite public stigma, diploma mills are on the run, and rich educational experiences are very available through distance learning
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