Factors Involved In Pricing Policy

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The policy by which a company determines the wholesale and retail prices for its products or services. A pricing strategy in which the same price is offered to every customer who purchases the product under the same conditions. A one price policy may also mean that prices are set and cannot be negotiated by customers. A one price policy is the opposite of a differential pricing approach, in which prices may vary based on location, promotional offers, method of payment, or other factors. Factors Involved in Pricing Policy, The pricing of the products involves consideration of the following factors: Cost data occupy an important place in the price setting processes. There are different types of costs incurred in the production and marketing…show more content…
Sensitivity to price change will vary from consumer to consumer. In a particular situation, the behavior of one individual may not be the same as that of the other. In fact, the pricing decision ought to rest on a more incisive rationale than simple elasticity. There are consumers who buy a product provided its quality is high. Generally, product quality, product image, customer service and promotion activity influence many consumers more than the price. These factors are qualitative and ambiguous. From the point of view of consumers, prices are quantitative and unambiguous. Market situation plays an effective role in pricing. Pricing policy has some managerial discretion where there is a considerable degree of imperfection in competition. In perfect competition, the individual producers have no discretion in pricing. They have to accept the price fixed by demand and supply. In monopoly, the producer fixes a high price for his product. In other market situations like oligopoly and monopolistic competition, the individual producers take the prices of the rival products in determining their price. If the primary determinant of price changes in the competitive condition is the market place, the pricing policy can least be categorized as competition based pricing. Profit Factor in…show more content…
Each producer has his aim of profit maximization. If the objective is profit maximization, the critical rule is to select the price at which MR = MC. Generally, the pricing policy is based on the goal of obtaining a reasonable profit. Most of the businessmen want to hold the price at constant level. They do not desire frequent price fluctuation. The profit maximization approach to price setting is logical because it forces decision makers to focus their attention on the changes in production, cost, revenue and profit associated with any contemplated change in price. The price rigidity is the practice of many producers. Rigidity does not mean inflexibility. It means that prices are stable over a given period. Government Policy in Pricing: In market economy, the government generally does not interfere in the economic decisions of the economy. It is only in planned economies, the government’s interference is very much. According to conventional economic theory, the buyers and sellers only determine the price. In reality, certain other parties are also involved in the pricing process. They are the competition and the government. The government’s practical regulatory price techniques are ceiling on prices, minimum prices and dual pricing. In a mixed economy like India, the government resorts to price control. The business establishments have to adopt the government’s price policies to control relative

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