The Pros And Cons Of Poverty

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Reducing poverty has been an international concern addressed by the United Nations (UN) years ago; however, an international set of guidelines and tools for measuring poverty is still absent (Smelser & Baltes, 2001). According to Vandsburger, Duncan-Daston, Akerson, & Dillon (2010) the definition of the term “poverty” within a country has been dependent on a range of variables, such as income cutoffs or thresholds, altered by factors such as family size, sex of the family head, number of children under 18 years old, and farm-nonfarm residence. Nonetheless, on a global scale, it goes beyond that. It manifests the lack of basic necessities causing hunger, malnutrition, limited access to education, low social mobility and extra social spending (UN News Centre, 2017; Vandsburger et al., 2010). Research by the UN News Centre (2017) indicated that poverty rates are higher in small, vulnerable, and conflict-affected countries. Regions like the sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia recorded an overwhelming majority of people living below the poverty line (ibid). Nevertheless, this does not exclude developed countries since, in the United States, a considerable number of families with children are encountering monetary distress. The U.S Bureau of the…show more content…
As the prices of food increases, hunger and poverty are bound to increase as well. Not every poor person is but almost all hungry people are poor (The Hunger Project, 2014). Research published in the UK showed that households struggling with low incomes are not able to properly heat their houses, and in the case of having a disabled family member, situations were members cannot afford basic necessities such food or clothing may occur (Stevenson & Dugan, 2013). It was stated that despite families with disabled children have rights to welfare payments and practical support, the incomes do not suffice the additional costs of raising a disabled child
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