Pros And Cons Of Bilingual Education

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In today’s schools the majority of its students are bilingual, speaking both Spanish and English. This is due to the abundance of Latin Americans coming to the United States in search of new or more opportunities, or simply a better life and education for their children than the one they would have had back in their home country. Being bilingual has not always been viewed as a norm like it is today, or like it has always been here in Florida, specifically in Miami. In other states, such as California, they did not embrace bilingualism in the same manner. In the article “Why this bilingual educational ban should have repealed long ago” by Phillip M. Carter, he effectively argues on why this ban on bilingual education should have been turned…show more content…
Federal Government had established English only boarding schools, and later on during World War 1 closing all German language schools. Carter gives an example on how in the “mid-20th century schools in part Texas segregated Mexican Americans most often punishing them and expelling them for speaking Spanish at school” (2). Along with appealing to the readers sentimental emotions, he explains a moment during his research when an elderly woman described the consequences from speaking Spanish at school as a child, “They kicked us out. And they used to expel you from school” (2) the woman explained. Carter effectively persuades the reader to understand that this is something not only happening in the mid-19900s but something in which is currently happening when he explains that a Texas middle school principle made an announcement that “Any use of Spanish was banned from school effective immediately” (2), and having teachers also enforce his decision. The author demonstrates an understanding of constructing of the effective argument that is capable of drawing and focusing the attention of the…show more content…
While parents may speak to their children in Spanish most often their child will find themselves translating what is being told to them in and responding in English. Bilingualism is now a skill necessary for most job markets. Furthermore, in his fourth myth he attempts to show the readers that Spanish speakers in the U.S. will increase due to constant new immigration. However, history has shown that the original immigrant language is lost by the third generation. Learning a secondary language has many benefits like having more efficient brains, helping with our memory, and lowering risks of mental illness since the brain is constantly being

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