The Procurement Cycle

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Q: A purchasing manager should have a good understanding of the elements of the purchasing cycle. Explain the elements of the procurement cycle and assess its significance to the role of purchasing manager. INTRODUCTION: Managers in any company must understand the art of obtaining products and services. The procurement cycle follows specific steps for identifying a requirement or need of the company through the final step of the award of the product or contract to make a successful purchasing cycle and achieving the estimated profit with capture the value from the customer and achieves the customer Satisfaction. The Managers decisions should consider consumers wants, the company’s requirements, consumers’ long-term interests, and society’s…show more content…
It's important to remember that determining what customer need involve not only quantity, but Quality decision as well. In Addition, to achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of the target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do. Which products customers are preferred or favor and would to buy it. The business Also must firstly identify the need for a new product. The need from the company may be to reorder a product or it could be a new item completely. (1) It is important to identify the need for a product so the process can be managed efficiently and effectively through the procurement cycle. If the managers know the needs of their customers let the purchasing process done quickly by the right estimation for selling the products. -A-Purchase requisition: An internal document the customer should make it identify his serious intention in buying this product completed by some of the purchasing information of a specific need. And it's necessary for the company to insure that the product will be…show more content…
-2- Negotiation: is The process that most likely to lead to a complete understanding of the offer involved between the supplier and the purchasing firm to reduce the number and impact of unseen problems that may arise later. The negotiations occur (either face-to-face or electronically) become one of the reaching instruments in establishing a cooperative approach. The purchase requires the agreement that is sometimes complex but the agreement must be specific and clear to all suppliers because it must include all rules and agreement about a wide range of performance factors and any factors that may affect cost, quality, delivery, and service. A thorough cost and/or price analysis are essential. Negotiation is the most important step because the supplier cannot determine risks and costs without input from the buyer so both can determine if this offer is good or most risky and costly to the company to select the offer that will be good to provide the product at a lower
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